Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Post

Ordinarily, I'd probably title my blog entry something a little more thought provoking than 'first post'. Cut me some slack though, I haven't written anything much longer than my signature on the timecard at work in quite some time now. And lets face it, despite the fact that we're probably friends (otherwise I don't know how you could've possibly found this site), I'm not trying to scare anyone away with my totally unecessary and pretentious use of big words or obscure quotations that nobody understands. Not yet at least.

So..why create a blog? Well, I'm a self proclaimed deep thinker who enjoys hearing words come out of his own mouth. Seeing words typed by his own fingers? Even better. Now I can reread my little pearls of wisdom whenever I want. Is there some part of me that hopes this blog will become exceedingly popular and result in a budding journalism career or something of that nature? Eh, not really. As I'm sure the posts that follow this one will show, I'm a realist. Big, BIG realist. Don't believe in ghosts or karma and extremely skeptical of anything supernatural.

On a more concrete personal level, here's some basic info about me:
I'm 22 and live on Long Island. I don't think it's as bad as some others do, but I damn sure wish I could live somewhere else (Cali or Florida would be ideal). I graduated from University of Delaware with a Psychology major and Philosophy minor which means that I'm pretty much incapable of getting a 'real' job. Oh well. A little transitional phase never killed anybody.

Most of these blogs are pretty much gonna be me sharing some of the more absurd thoughts that enter my degenerate mind. It's pretty likely that the subsequent ones will have more interesting subject matter than this one. So thanks for procrastinating with me on here, keep on checking out my shit and I hope you'll find it to be time well wasted.